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2 votes

What's the easiest way to map the universe?

The method I personally use is to go to a busy sector like Seizewell with a shipyard and buy 10 cheap M5 scouts. Equip each scout with a scanner. Simply tell each ship to follow one of the many NPC ...
Wph29's user avatar
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How do I raise the Terran reputation after the main plot?

Do missions in the Aldrin smaller systems next to the massive main Adrin system (don't bother doing mission in that system though "too big"), do them in Adlin 2 and Megir, and it will raise your ...
GTB's user avatar
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Good player ship for anti-capital ship warfare

I'm using Kyoto for convenient Xenon sector sweeps with almost no downtimes. Although it's big, it is quite agile because of good turn rates. Opening up with charged PSP's alpha strike it one-shots ...
Cheerkin's user avatar

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