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5 votes

What are mechanics to getting a reaction shot in Xenonauts?

Initiative System Although some forum posts incorrectly claim that reaction shots are chance based, the Xenonauts Quickstart Guide explains that reaction fire in Xenonauts works on a deterministic ...
Murch's user avatar
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5 votes

How to throw a grenade in a ground fight?

First of all, make sure that the soldier actually got some kind of grenades in their loadout. When they do, you can throw grenades with the grenade icon in the HUD: (optional) right-click on the ...
Philipp's user avatar
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2 votes

Dividing Troops between multiple bases

It seems like this would largely be a matter of personal preference, but I would not just rely on batteries/turrets at secondary bases as they rarely do the job: my strategy has been, whenever you ...
barvobot's user avatar
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1 vote

What is called "maximum carry weight" in the formula for strength advancement

The maximum carry weight is the amount a soldier can carry without getting TU penalties. It's calculated by 8kg + 0.3kg * strength. This value and others are described (and can be changed) in ...
Murch's user avatar
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1 vote

Should you go on every crash recovery mission?

Early game Yes, each and every one. You'll get some deaths and injuries, but you should design your line up to be able to constantly do them. Hire more people, build a medical center, and so on. For ...
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