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Wooble's user avatar
Wooble's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
13 votes

How can I deal with monster spawns in Sokoban?

6 votes

How to set width of terminal for nethack?

6 votes

What is the purpose of closets?

5 votes

How can I bring my pet to the valley of dead?

5 votes

Wizard quest entry

5 votes

Cockatrice petrification circumstances?

5 votes

Are spellbooks of any practical use to more "physical" characters?

5 votes

In the Nethack early game, should I first venture through the Gnomish Mines or Sokoban?

5 votes

Can an orc get Sting or Orcrist as a sacrifice gift?

4 votes

Do certain player actions (e.g. reading spellooks, sorting/BUC testing, trying on armor, etc.) trigger monster generation?

3 votes

If a smoky potion is diluted, does it still have the same chance of producing a djinni as an undiluted smoky potion?

3 votes

How do I walk up at a T-junction?

2 votes

Can Dispater take Invocation items?

2 votes

What is a good stash?

2 votes

How to find out which weapon is better?

1 vote

Changing the appearances of characters