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tenfour's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
17 votes

Why is it intuitive to have the up and down arrow keys reversed in flight simulation games?

13 votes

Should I group together or spread out tanks in siege mode?

12 votes

What mistakes cost you games when you were Bronze/Silver

12 votes

Best strategy against Worker Rush cheese in 2v2 and other matchups

10 votes

Are there any games/tactics where infestor controlled units are used to build "foreign" units?

10 votes

How to spawn larvae without going back to base

10 votes

What are the benefits of rallying all workers to the left or right-most mineral node?

10 votes

What is upgrade spending and more importantly, why does it decrease?

9 votes

Do attacks by hallucinations trigger an "our forces are under attack" message?

9 votes

Whats the best methods of hiding a nuke attack from the opponent?

8 votes

How long does it take to move into silver league?

8 votes

Forming an arc in SC2 - mechanics

7 votes

How can I see how many league games I lost in Starcraft 2?

7 votes

How can I predict where my opponent will spawn?

6 votes

How do I find out how many games I have won/lost with each race?

6 votes

Wall-in: benefit or vulnerability?

6 votes

How can I remember to build Supply Depots all game?

6 votes

2v2 strategy if partner drops out early?

5 votes

How often should I cheese my low-level opponents?

5 votes

How do I properly counter a protoss turtle 4gate as zerg?

5 votes

Does keyboard monitoring violate EULA of Starcraft 2?

5 votes

Where to see a FULL Day9 casts list that is updated daily?

4 votes

SCV repairing speed

4 votes

How can I be downgraded to a lower league?

4 votes

How do I break walls as Protoss?

3 votes

How can I permanently disable all achievements and related messages?

3 votes

How can I determine if a push has done enough damage?

3 votes

Counter Dark Templar rush in 2v2 as zerg/protoss

3 votes

How does Idra command his initial drones to mine individual mineral clusters?

2 votes

Is micromanagement of early units "required" by Protoss?