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JSideris's user avatar
JSideris's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
10 votes

Is there a way to play Minecraft with a friend using "open to LAN" while not on the same network?

7 votes

Will Tamoe Highland be accessible after I teleport to Tristram in act I

5 votes

If I sleep in one bed, then in a separate bed and then remove it, what will happen to my spawn?

5 votes

Are Terran Units cloned? Where do they come from?

2 votes

How do I play the official "Left 2 Die" scenario?

2 votes

When visiting an extraterrestrial moon, is it typically most efficient to fly straight into the moon's orbit then do a capture burn?

2 votes

Is it possible to mod an N64 controller to connect to a computer?

1 vote

Majesty Gold - How to prevent my heroes from exploring map?

1 vote

What command can let a player sleep in the morning?

0 votes

Should aerobraking vessels using SAS aim towards orbital retrograde? Or Surface retrograde?

0 votes

minecraft forge closes as soon as i launch it. how do i fix it?

0 votes

Faster way to farm ender-lilies

0 votes

How can I fix "Connection timed out" when connecting to a server after watching youtube or taxing my computer