A friend of mine just got borderlands GOTY, and its been crashing right from the start. Looked around and havnt found much, even in way of "things to try" so thus have asked here.
The game's splash screen comes up, and then it just crashs with the error "Failed to enter MenuMap: Failed to load package 'MenuMap' Please check log for errors" followed by a heck lot of normal error stuff (such as Address = 0x355ac850 (filename not found) GetOutermost() Address 0x75006e ect)
However the error code (after "load package 'MenuMap') seems to scream "I cant find borderlands.exe". (Has a lot of "Cant find file Borderlands.exe")
Does anyone have any useful info about this error, and ways to fix it?
The game works fine on my PC, but not for my friend, and I've even tried running his borderlands files on my pc, and it works fine, however my files will still give the error for him.
Thanks (I'll post screenshots later when I have the chance)
P.S The OS is Windows 7
P.S.S we have tried the following:
- Checked game cache with Steam
- Reinstalled DirectX
- Tried running with files from two other computers (mine and a mates)
- Reinstalled C++ 2008
- Deleted "blob" file (might not be correct name) which let Steam reset its downloads