I've been experiencing some very weird, jerky motion when loading books or as my character uses an Alchemy table, Arcane Enchanter, or tanning rack. I'm pretty sure this has happened with the other Smithing "tools" as well, but I've been unable to confirm it at the moment. It doesn't always happen, and the degree of jerkiness varies. I've been assuming this was due to overheating and have taken to cooling my computer more, but that doesn't seem to be it. Has anyone else experienced this glitch? If so, is there a good fix?
Here are my system specs (Thanks for reminding me David Starkey!) ->
- Intel Core i5 2.40 GHz Dual Core.
- 4GB RAM, 3.87 usable.
- ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series Graphics card.
- Windows 7 64 Bit.
Graphics Settings for Skyrim: Medium Graphics (No Anisotropic filtering, No Antialiasing, Advanced options not modified) at 1280 x 720 Resolution.
Edits to SkryimPrefs.ini (All other sections are auto-generated) ->
[Launcher] bEnableFileSelection=1 bShowAllResolutions=0 uLastAspectRatio=3 bLoadLooseFiles=1
That's the only section I changed. The change was for the launcher to stop graying out the "Data Files" option. I think the load loose files was set before my edit. I've got the Dawngaurd dlc, but I'm not loading it. I've got no mods.
NOTE: My laptop heats up quite a bit after a few hours of play. I use a cooling pad, and when I check to see if it is too hot. When it is, I put the laptop on an ice-pack and continue, or quit the game for a while. Sometimes I quit and leave it on the ice-pack. It certainly don't think that it was extremely hot, but I don't have much of a standard to judge by here.
Hopefully this will help clarify the situation and find the fix.