In Fallen London, there are Opportunity cards where you can experience dreams, which usually give you an increase in Nightmares, which can be inconvenient and/or expensive to deal with. The Opportunity cards that give you dreams are relatively few, relatively far between, and increase your Dreams qualities very, very slowly.
I ask: aside from exploring the odd content written for dreams, what are dreams good for? Do they unlock future storylets other than the progression to other dream cards with the same drawbacks? Will I eventually be rewarded with new and interesting content, improved connections, or possibly cold, hard cash? I am hoping to find some sort of reassurance that the Dreams in Fallen London either have a point, so I have a goal to wait for, or don't have a point, so I can stop following them.
(On a personal note, I find prose about dreams boring: it's disconnected, nonsensical, and never really goes anywhere. Even in stories that feature some sort of prophetic or mental-description-of-the-dreamer sorts of dreams, the link to the waking world is tenuous at best.)