I've completed many levels in Plants vs. Zombies 2. After completion, some levels are solid blue, while others are striped blue and white. What does this striping of levels indicate?
I have used both starter boosts from the garden as well as power upgrades (purchased with coins or from gift boxes) to defeat levels, but I did not need them for every level. I didn't keep track of which level was aided with these tools. Is their usage causing the stripes? Do I need to replay the levels without the boosts/upgrades for "true" completion?
Note that I have solved 99% of the levels (Besides one final level that is neither striped nor solid), so I am looking at a fully "completed" iteration of the game and have not compared it to an unresolved game.
I ask not only out of curiosity, but if I need to replay these in a more challenging fashion in order to unlock level 25 of Far Future.