So I know the question is a bit subjective however it makes sense soon. So here is a small example:
So we're about to close the game and I am taking down the enemy top lane's turret, while my team takes down mid.
The enemy Pantheon shows up and I ignore him to focus the turret. I do not have any aura items, only my Warden's mail. There were other minions ahead of me all attacking the turret at this time as well. Pantheon uses his Q W E combo and it does no damage so I keep ignoring him.
Now suddenly the turret starts attacking me, so I kill him then back off.
Now I was not really paying attention to him because of how little damage he was doing, so I am not sure if he used a basic attack, which would have slowed his attack speed due to Warden's Mail.
My question is do debuffing items like Warden's Mail and Randuin's Omen that are triggered by the enemy cause towers to aggro you when their passive effect is activated?
After reviewing the replay I noticed that pantheon's e Had cleared the melee minions.
doesn't pull turret aggro