I Downloaded COH Tales of valor and after play i see need coh new steam version but when i click play it's want to download it but both files is same coh is 7.5 gb and coh tales of valor is 7.6gb and how i can get steam to validate coh tales of valor files to coh new steam version without download

  • 1
    Tales of Valour is a standalone game so the file size will be the same. All content on the non Steam versions is unlock able with a cd key so all versions need to contain all content. The Steam version will give you all of the content and access to multiplayer via steam works.
    – kenjara
    Commented Feb 18, 2016 at 8:42

1 Answer 1


Downloading TOV will bring in all the original COH content I believe. Just make sure its the "new steam version" so it uses the newer multiplayer servers.

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