I am an admin on a Minecraft server and I am trying to figure out how to kill skeleton horses in a certain radius using command blocks.

Since 1.11 our old function has stopped work, partly to do with the skeleton horses singular entity tag.

The command blocks I have set are 2 separate ones set to repeat

The code I have currently is:

Add to scoreboard command block:

scoreboard players tag @e[type=EntityHorse] add skeleHorse {Type:4}

Kill command block:

minecraft:kill  @e[tag=skeleHorse,r=250]

What I have tried is as follows:

Add to scoreboard command block:

scoreboard players tag @e[type=skeleton_horse] add skeleHorse

Kill command block:

minecraft:kill  @e[tag=skeleHorse,r=250]
  • /minecraft:kill isn't a valid command in vanilla; are you using some server software that allows this command? You should be able to simplify it down to /kill @e[type=skeleton_horse,r=250] rather than adding a tag first. Are the tags being added correctly? Are the command blocks activating? What error message are you getting?
    – SirBenet
    Commented Dec 21, 2016 at 20:29
  • The horse is getting added to the scoreboard, no errors. I get the following error in my kill cmd: [15:03:49] Entity '@e[type=skeleton_horse,' cannot be found
    – DLaverick
    Commented Dec 21, 2016 at 22:49
  • By the time ([15:03:49]), it looks like that command block isn't being activated. If you put /say test into it, is chat spammed with "test"?
    – SirBenet
    Commented Dec 21, 2016 at 23:35
  • Yes that works, already checked that the blocks were responding :(
    – DLaverick
    Commented Dec 22, 2016 at 11:06

2 Answers 2


Simply use this in a command block:

minecraft:kill @e[type=skeleton_horse,r=50]

You don't even need the first command block for adding them to the scoreboard anymore.


I finally solved it!

So this is what I ended up with:

Scoreboard Command Block:

scoreboard players tag @e[type=skeleton_horse] add skeleton_horse

Kill Command Block:

minecraft:kill @e[type=skeleton_horse,r=50]

This now works and those pesky horses die on spawning.

  • 1
    you do realise that you don't even need the first commandblock, right?
    – Plagiatus
    Commented Jan 7, 2017 at 13:01

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