I need to disable Dark Souls 1 online features. Usually people do it by putting the whole Steam offline, but I need Steam to be online.
As far as I know there is PvPWatchdog mod, which allows you to kick invaders by pressing F1. So it feels like what I want is possible (I need the same but fast and automatic, so player invasions doesn't interfere with my gameplay at all).
P.S. To be super exact:
What I need:
- To be a human without risk of a player invasion.
- To be able to receive steam-messages from friends, while I'm playing DS1.
- Steam should keep tracking my play hours in DS1.
What I don't care about:
- All other DS1 online features. Like co-op PvE or soap-stone messages. If they are disabled as well I don't care. If they stay while invasions are disabled i'm fine with it.
- NPC invasions. They may stay or they may never happen - i don't care.