I made an updated version of the script, that doesn't get confused by dlc's. (EDIT: In case the link breaks again i embedded it below).
also, i'd recommend installing autoit with scoop, so it can be removed without side effects.
#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
; This script validates all games in a user's Steam library
; Author: Shawn Maiberger
; @ionblade (Twitter)
; By running this script, in whole or in part, you accept that the author is not acceptable for any damage to your computer or data caused by the script.
;_____USER-CONFIGURABLE VARIABLES__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
; Sometimes, an application does not validate when you call the validation function, and instead immediately comes back as valid.
; Specify the *shortest* amount of time a validation can take to be considered valid in seconds. Any validation that is shorter than this will
; be invalid, and will be retried, up to the $maxValidationAttempts value.
$minimumValidationTime = 1
; Set the maximum number of times that an application will attempt to be validated due to running too short before we move on and log an exception
$maxValidationAttempts = 3
; Set the amount of time in seconds that an app can stay at 0% complete validation before we assume it has hung (Steam bug that often occurs) and retry
$validationTimeout = 30
; Time to wait between scans in seconds. Note: if this is set too low, every other scan will fail to execute, as Steam will not be ready and will not throw an error.
$timeBetweenScans = 5
; Try to read in the validation blacklist file. This file should contain one AppID per line. Any AppIDs in this file, if present, will not be validated.
; This is useful in cases where some games (e.g. Far Cry 3 and the Dawn of War 2 series) will not silently validate.
$validationBlacklist = 0
If Not _FileReadToArray("validationBlacklist.txt", $validationBlacklist, 0) Then
$validationBlacklist = 0
; Try to read Steam directory from registry
$steamRegLocation = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Valve\Steam","InstallPath")
If @error Then
$steamRegLocation = ""
$steamRegLocation = $steamRegLocation & "\steamapps"
; Prompt user for the Steamapps directory, prepopulating with the location previously found in the registry, if any
$steamappsDirectory = FileSelectFolder("Please select the steamapps directory within your Steam install directory", $steamRegLocation)
If @error Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "No folder was selected.")
; Prompt user for location to log results
$loggingDirectory = FileSelectFolder("Please select a writable folder into which results will be logged", "")
If @error Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "No folder was selected.")
; Get a list of all the games installed in the steamapps directory
$acfFiles = _FileListToArray($steamAppsDirectory, "*.acf")
If @error Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Either an invalid steamapps path was selected or there are no games installed.")
; For each of the games installed, get the game's name and Steam ID, then call the verify function on that game. Wait for verification to complete,
; then take a screenshot of the verification window and continue to the next game.
$validationErrors = 0
$validationWarnings = 0
$validationBlacklistSkips = 0
$validationSuccesses = 0
For $currentFile = 1 to $acfFiles[0]
; Set tooltip to let user know progress in systemtray
TraySetToolTip("Validating item " & $currentFile & "/" & $acfFiles[0] & ". " & $validationErrors & " apps did not process, " & $validationWarnings & " apps validated too quickly, " & $validationBlacklistSkips & " skipped, " & $validationSuccesses & " successful.")
$fullAcfPath = $steamappsDirectory & "\" & $acfFiles[$currentFile]
$appID = ""
$name = ""
; Read through the .acf file to get the AppID and name
FileOpen($fullAcfPath, 0)
For $currentLine = 1 to _FileCountLines($fullAcfPath)
$line = FileReadLine($fullAcfPath, $currentLine)
; Isolate the AppID by trimming everything between the last <tab><tab>" and the final " character
If StringInStr($line, '"appID"') Then
$appID = StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($line, StringInStr($line, @TAB & @TAB & '"', 0, -1) + 2), 1)
; Isolate the name by trimming everything between the last <tab><tab>" and the final " character
If StringInStr($line, 'name') Then
$name = StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($line, StringInStr($line, @TAB & @TAB & '"', 0, -1) + 2), 1)
; If the current game is in the list of games that do not silently validate, skip it and log to the logfile
$skipValidation = 0
For $i = 0 To UBound($validationBlacklist) - 1
If StringCompare($validationBlacklist[$i], $appID) = 0 Then
$skipValidation = 1
If $skipValidation = 1 Then
$hFileOpen = FileOpen($loggingDirectory & "\verificationLog.txt", $FO_APPEND)
If $hFileOpen = -1 Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Error writing the result to the selected log directory")
FileWriteLine($hFileOpen, "WARNING: " & $name & " (" & $appID & ") was skipped because it is in the validation blacklist." & @CRLF)
$validationBlacklistSkips += 1
; Validate the game's files and wait for the validation to finish before continuing. If this takes less than the user-specified minimum valid
; scan time, retry until the number of retries has been hit.
$validationAttempts = 0
$validationTime = 0
$validationFailed = 0
While $validationTime < $minimumValidationTime AND $validationAttempts < $maxValidationAttempts
$validationAttempts += 1
$timer = TimerInit()
ShellExecute("steam://validate/" & $appID)
; Check once a second to see if we are making progress by looking at the % in the title bar of the validation window.
; If we hit the validation timeout and are still at 0%, abort and retry.
While (TimerDiff($timer) / 1000 < $validationTimeout)
If WinExists("Validating Steam files") Then
$windowTitle = WinGetTitle("Validating Steam files")
; Get how many percent we are through validation
$EndOfPct = StringInStr($windowTitle, "%", 0, -1) - 1
$StartOfPct = StringInStr($windowTitle, " ", 0, -1, $EndOfPct) + 1
$percentageComplete = StringMid($windowTitle, $StartOfPct, $EndOfPct - $StartOfPct + 1)
If $percentageComplete > 0 Then
; If we are still at 0% when we hit this point, then we timed out, and we need to abort this validation and retry.
If $percentageComplete = 0 Then
; If we're out of tries to validate this file, log that it failed to validate.
If $validationAttempts >= $maxValidationAttempts Then
$hFileOpen = FileOpen($loggingDirectory & "\verificationLog.txt", $FO_APPEND)
If $hFileOpen = -1 Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Error writing the result to the selected log directory")
FileWriteLine($hFileOpen, "ERROR: " & $name & " (" & $appID & ") failed to progress past 0% on all attempts." & @CRLF)
$validationErrors += 1
$validationFailed = 1
; Abort the in-progress validation and move to the next iteration of the loop
$SteamResults = WinGetHandle("Validating Steam files")
ControlSend($SteamResults, "", "", "!+{F4}",0)
Sleep($timeBetweenScans * 1000)
; Since we've hit this point, we must be past 0%, so we wait on the validation to complete before moving on
WinWait("Validating Steam files - 100% complete")
$validationTime = TimerDiff($timer) / 1000
; Sometimes Steam hits 100% validation before it has *actually* finished displaying the progress bar. Wait a few seconds to ensure we
; are really done before continuing
; Save a screenshot of the results
WinActivate("Validating Steam files - 100% complete")
$SteamResults = WinGetHandle("Validating Steam files - 100% complete")
_ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd($loggingDirectory & "\" & StringRegExpReplace($name, '[ /:*?"<>|]', '_') & ".jpg", $SteamResults)
; Close the validation window
ControlSend($SteamResults, "", "", "!+{F4}",0)
; Log the validation completed
$hFileOpen = FileOpen($loggingDirectory & "\verificationLog.txt", $FO_APPEND)
If $hFileOpen = -1 Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Error writing the result to the selected log directory")
If $validationFailed = 0 Then
If $validationTime < $minimumValidationTime Then
FileWriteLine($hFileOpen, "WARNING: " & $name & " (" & $appID & ") had abnormally quick validation of " & $validationTime & " seconds." & @CRLF)
$validationWarnings += 1
FileWriteLine($hFileOpen, $name & " (" & $appID & ") validated in " & $validationTime & " seconds." & @CRLF)
$validationSuccesses += 1
; Give Steam client enough time to prepare for the next scan
Sleep($timeBetweenScans * 1000)
+left mouse
but unfortunately Steam only has options to "add to favorites" and "set categories" when several games are selected.