Running a vanilla MC server in Debian, and I'm having an issue where the server seems to be generating nested /mod folders with redundant data, is this normal?
The full file path to the current deepest iteration is:
What's going on here? This creates a drastic increase in storage use and looks sloppy. Is there a way to organize it more effectively?
Update: backed up the server, deleted the whole /mods root folder, and on boot the log posts this:
Running as uid=1003 gid=100 with /data as 'drwxrwxr-x 6 1003 100 4096 Aug 21 08:06 /data'
Checking version information.
Checking type information. already created, skipping
Checking for JSON files.
Copying any mods over...
update:mods/banned-ips.json:Last Modified 2019/08/20-14:54:51
And proceeds to duplicate all files into the newly created /mods folder.