I'm making a map and I have items randomly appear on the ground. I'm trying to make armor stands teleport to above the items to act a as a beacon. Is there any way to do that? I've tried looking at an items nbt data but nothing work.

  • Do you want the armor stands to have stuff on them, or just be blank?
    – WarpPrime
    Commented Sep 22, 2020 at 19:38

1 Answer 1


Here is how you do it:

Repeating command block, always active:

execute at @e[type=item] run summon armorstand ~ ~ ~

If you want a less laggier version of this, connect this chain command block to your item-summoning command mechanism: Chain command block, always active:

execute at @e[type=item] run summon armorstand ~ ~ ~

I hope this helps.

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