I want to make a boss battle, and I wanted the boss to walk smoothly in a certain direction. I have tried:

/summon zombie ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"Zombo",CustomNameVisible:1,Motion:[0.0,0.0,-12.0], Attributes:[{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:2}

but the zombie does not smoothly move, it actually teleports. I thought of having a bunch of command blocks all in a row that kill the zombie and summon a new one every block, giving it the appearance of smooth motion. However, I would like something that I can run in just a few command blocks. Does anyone have experience with things like this? Thanks!

  • 1
    Did you know that there is a secret mob that Mojang tried to hide called "Giant"? The "Giant" mob is zombie textured and takes a while to kill having 200 HP and packs a punch! Use this command to summon one in (there is no spawn egg for this mob): /summon giant ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"Zombo",CustomNameVisible:1,Motion:[0.0,0.0,-12.0],Attributes:[{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:2} Commented Apr 29, 2021 at 12:39
  • You'll probably need to teleport the mob multiple times, using scoreboards to keep track of its current state. There's no way in the base game to get a mob to move overtime
    – Ben
    Commented Apr 30, 2021 at 14:46
  • Ok, thanks, I will use that. :) Commented Apr 30, 2021 at 14:47

1 Answer 1


A little tidbit of information: if an entity that usually walks is teleported relatively every tick, it will play its walking animation to match the speed that it's teleporting.

as an example, let's summon a giant with no AI for funsies:

summon giant ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1b}

then put this into a repeating command block:

execute as @e[type=minecraft:giant] at @s run teleport @s ^ ^ ^.1

It'll actually make the giant appear to walk.

What you can do if you would like it to track a certain path is place stairs (or any 4-directional block) under the ground and turn the giant accordingly. Example:

execute as @e[type=minecraft:giant] at @s if block ~ ~-2 ~ minecraft:oak_stairs[facing=east] run teleport @s ~ ~ ~ 270 0
execute as @e[type=minecraft:giant] at @s if block ~ ~-2 ~ minecraft:oak_stairs[facing=west] run teleport @s ~ ~ ~ 90 0
execute as @e[type=minecraft:giant] at @s if block ~ ~-2 ~ minecraft:oak_stairs[facing=south] run teleport @s ~ ~ ~ 0 0
execute as @e[type=minecraft:giant] at @s if block ~ ~-2 ~ minecraft:oak_stairs[facing=north] run teleport @s ~ ~ ~ 180 0

This will turn the giant to face whatever direction a stair 2 blocks under it is facing. In conjunction with the other command, this will make the giant walk forward until it hits a stair, then change direction based on where the stair is pointing, and continue until it reaches the next one. I hope this was clear enough

  • Thanks! This helped a ton! Commented May 31, 2021 at 1:08
  • Good to hear! I forgot to mention that you should divide whatever you want the speed of the mob to be by 20, as that's the tick speed of a minecraft server. Teleporting it 0.1 block forward as shown in the example will make it go 2 blocks per second
    – Jam
    Commented May 31, 2021 at 2:05

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