I recently started playing Borderlands 2 for the first time. I haven't played any other version of the game.
Weapons are frequently dropped by enemies, and are also available from various vending machines. I'm having a hard time figuring out if any given weapon is an improvement over the ones in my limited inventory. When I hover the cursor over a weapon, I'm helpfully told how that weapon's damage, accuracy, fire rate, etc. compare to the one I'm holding. However, weapons seem to come in the usual FPS varieties (pistol, shotgun, sniper rifle, etc, an idea supported by the apparently limited varieties of ammo one finds lying around) and the weapon property differences seem like they're comparing apples to oranges if I'm not holding a similar weapon. I can currently only hold three weapons at a time (pitiful, but a slight improvement over the two slots I started the game with) and so it feels like fully evaluating a weapon on the ground can involve rummaging around in my backpack to find a similar-looking weapon to swap in and equip so I can compare the stats. It's such an enormous hassle, I feel like I must be missing something.
It would be one thing if weapons were clearly identified as belonging to a particular class, but all I see is what looks like a manufacturer's name ("Torgue," "Maliwan," etc) and a side-view silhouette. When I compare, I've been trying to look for a similar-looking silhouette among the weapons in my backpack, but sometimes there's no obvious match.
Is there some easy way to evaluate whether I should drop a weapon I'm carrying in favor of a new one I've found?