I recently beat Normal mode for the first time. When I killed the Warrior, he did drop a couple of legendaries, and I was ecstatic!
However, as I moved into True Vault Hunter Mode (TVHM), and as I scour the internet and Youtube for tips and tricks to get Legendary weapons, I keep hearing that specific bosses/mini-bosses have a 10% drop rate that will yield a Legendary weapon. My problem is that this 10% drop rate isn't lining up with my own experiences in game, since I haven't gotten a single legendary since my first one, and I've killed over 200 bosses and mini-bosses. I know your first instinct is that I've just gotten unlucky, but not getting a single legendary after 200 bosses/mini-bosses killed seems like far more than just getting unlucky.
My fear is that I'm playing an out-of-date version of the game. My Playstation is NOT online. I'm playing the stock game, with no updates. I've heard that many updates have been made to the game, and I'm wondering if this also applies to drop rates. Could an update have changed a 1% drop rate to the now generally acknowledged and agreed upon 10% drop rate? Because that would certainly explain my troubles!
Any insight into what's going on here would be greatly appreciated.