The area boss of Metrica Province, the Fire Elemental, is ridiculously hard to even fight, much less kill. The boss itself bombards the area with AOE knockdown DOT effects that will generally take me out in one direct hit, while also firing off slow-moving, hard to see projectiles that, again, will take me out in one shot. In the meantime, the boss also spawns flying Embers that chip away at your health and get in your way when you try to dodge the first two attacks.
Because of all this, I find that I'm generally down within about 30 seconds of running into the chamber, which is frustrating because it takes about a minute to hike back from the nearest waypoint. Is there a good strategy for reliably staying alive long enough to actually do damage? Is there some particular direction in which I should be cajoling the people in the area? Should I focus my equipment in any particular way?