Does Ruunans Hurricane work with Twitch ultimate?
Most of the time Ruunans isn't worth it, unless you're running a full on-hit build. I was pondering if it would be useful with Twitch ultimate.
Does Ruunans Hurricane work with Twitch ultimate?
Most of the time Ruunans isn't worth it, unless you're running a full on-hit build. I was pondering if it would be useful with Twitch ultimate.
Ruaans hurricane fires two bolt dealing 10 + 50% AD and apply on hit affect.
twitch ult gives bonus ad and changes your basic attack to a ranged penetrating attack.
So the only the bonus effect that twitch ult will have on ruaans is the increase of ad. Twitch passive however is a on hit affect and should work.
From Runaan's Hurricane wiki:
Twitch will still trigger the effect while Spray and Pray is active. The two missiles fired are unaffected by the ability, and remain single target, targeted missiles. As such, it is possible for an enemy to be damaged by both Twitch's pass-through attacks and this item.
The Ruaan's bolt range will always stay 300