If you are fighting against someone with Randuins/Thornmail and you have Hurricane then if you shoot their teammate and the extra hurricane shots strike the person with the annoying armour...do you take the bad effects?
3 Answers
Thronmail Tooltip:
Unique: On being hit by basic attacks, returns 30% of damage, before any reductions such as armor, as magic damage.
Randuin's Omen Tooltip:
UNIQUE PASSIVE – COLD STEEL: When hit by basic attacks, reduces the attacker's attack speed by 15%.
The second bolts of Runaan's Hurricane are considered basic attacks. There is also a list in the wiki that tells us what items trigger when damaged by the secondary bolts:
- Doran's Shield
- Ninja Tabi
- Odyn's Veil (only available on Crystal Scar and magic on-hit damage only)
- Thornmail
- Warden's Mail
- Randuin's Omen
Interesting, this means that if an enemy buys a runaan's it's actually a pretty good counter to buy 2 or 3 thornmails/randuins on your team. And vice versa, when the enemy team has multiple of those items already, buying a runaan's can be pretty bad. Never thought of that.– KevinCommented Oct 9, 2014 at 9:59
@Kevin the randuins passive is only applyed once! even if you hit 3 enemies. you will not have 45% less attackspeed ;-) Commented Oct 9, 2014 at 10:17
So, you guys are saying to just have everyone build a Thornmail so the person with Runaan's kills themselves even faster by attacking you and then a single tank with randuins? Sounds legit to me.– dphilCommented Oct 9, 2014 at 14:36
Yes, but considering thornmail scales with the damage you actually deal (which is insignificant with Runaan's) it won't make much of a difference.
If you have 1 v 1 to yasuo to yasuo if your enemy picks omen and ninja tabi you must pick the trinity force and berserker boots to counter him he cant use a critical damage because trinity force haves more health more lifesteal and counter to the armor you can beat him with face to face skills or it depends if you know how to use combo of yasuo