After the first boss, you enter a new level (Firelink Shrine) and there is a knight sitting on a log nearby. I attacked this knight a few times and that apparently made him mad, so he killed me.
Now this guy is ridiculous strong, so I figured I'll just respawn and leave him alone this time. Apparently this guy REALLY hates my guts though because every time I respawn he immediately begins attacking me. 3 hits later, I'm dead and have to respawn. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. I realize Dark Souls is known for its difficulty, but infinite dying at a checkpoint is kinda lame.
I have tried reloading my save point, but that didn't seem to help. I'd rather not start over, if at all possible.
Here is a screenshot of the guy if that helps.
I found a cliff and got him to roll off the edge and die. I'm not sure if this is the only option though.