How can I solve the Desktop Dungeons puzzle Rivalry, the 3rd puzzle of the "Fresh Blood" puzzle pack?
1 Answer
Just figured this out myself after repeated tries.
- Take Blood Curse and Blood Hunger.
- BurnDayRaz, Drink Mana, BurnDayRaz (On the Level 3).
- Convert BurnDayRaz and Health Potion.
- Hit x 2 to Kill a Vampire.
- Desecrate GG's altar.
- Pick up Pendant of Health.
- Hit x 4 to Kill 2 Vampires, Level Up.
- Hit x 2 the Level 3.
- Kill last Vampire, then Hit Level 3 again.
- Take Blood Tithe and Blood Swell.
- Hit the Level 3, Drink 2 Blood Pools.
- Hit the Level 3, Drink all remaining Blood Pools.
- Deal the last blow against the Level 3.