I keep getting complains about people that couldn't go to school. How could I fix this? I tried a lot of things (like multiple universities and school bus stops everywhere). Not sure how to fix this. All streets are High Density Streetcar Avenue
I builded two universities in the opposite sides of the city, and still have the problem while both got "Classroooms full" warnings at 7:15 am
- 3.566 of 4.400 Students enrolled
- School bus stop in every place (all streets are green)
- I have kids not enrolled living in the building NEXT to the university (literally in the same quarter!!)
- First university:
- 1600 of 4500 students in class today
- 800/800 students in class today
- 3 dormitories
- Second university:
- 1600 of 4500 students in class today
- 800/800 students in class today
The layout of my city is more or less this:
Here some Screen shots!
1600 of 4500 students in class today 800/800 students in class today
I didn't understood why this numbers.