We had an Xbox 360 S 4GB, got some XBLG for Christmas for my siblings to play on while they were in down, but it kept doing this:
The disc drive, at any given time, completely random, will start triggering, making that 'beep' the 360 makes when it ejects a disc. It stutters and shakes, sometimes just for a few seconds, other times until I unplug the console.
Side note: while I was typing this, I had to get up and unplug the 360, because the disc tray kept waking itself up from sleep. Again, sometimes it does this, sometimes it doesn't, the only way to really stop it is unplug it.
So, I get on Craigslist and get a new Xbox 360 S, 320GB, new cables: everything's new. Plug it in, hook it up, and the same thing's happening within a few minutes.
I'm in a new apartment, so on relatively new wiring - regardless, I tried a slew of things. Unplugging things, i.e. the Apple TV, using it on a new circuit, new outlet, different extension cord, no extension cord, different game, installing the game to the HDD (still requires the disc, what century am I in?) And absolutely nothing I tried changed anything.
Let's establish: The exact same issue happens on two completely different consoles, with different cables.
Eventually I got desperate enough to get on Microsoft Live Chat - he had no idea what was going on, had me wipe the Cache, uninstall all user profiles, uninstall and reinstall, the whole nine yards. Eventually realized he couldn't do much of anything and told me to take the hard drives out of each respective Xbox and let them sit it out.
Has anyone else had this problem, ever?
Is it power fluctuations? TV feedback? Radio frequency interference? I have searched and searched for any documentation, and have found nothing.