At the end of Portal 2, when something in the building makes an announcement that Caroline is deleted, how much of her was really deleted?
Maybe this is intended to be open-ended, but it seems a little conflicting. Some things seem to suggest that Caroline remained in some capacity:
- The turrets in the elevator ride to the top spared Chell, even though they clearly had a much better chance of ending her than any other time in the game.
- Caroline was "deleted" only after having saved Chell, which is some unknown time (probably a few hours) after the core transfer.
- The ending song: "Now little Caroline is in here too, one day they woke me up so I could live forever"
- Her voice is still Caroline's, and in the condemned level, Cave goes on a rant about brain mapping and putting people (specifically, Cave or Caroline) onto a CD, which would suggest that GLaDOS is intrinsically Caroline, not just a computer with a bit of Caroline in it.
But of course, there's the announcement at the end, and GLaDOS' voice goes back to being deeper and more heavily vocoded.
Any stalemate resolution associates around?