TL;DR : I'm looking for two heroes that go well together in a lane, and will be able to gang other lanes fast.
I have a problem when I play most of my games, I feel like my team is way too passive. They mostly farm for 40 minutes, then a couple of big fights happen, and the game is pretty much decided at the picking phase.
People dont' seem to realize you have to adapt playstyle with the 10 heroes on the battlefield.
I know I can't change people, but I often play with a friend and, well, we can try to change the pace of the game, and I'm looking for a lane build that can do that.
Here is some background :
- We hover between 3.9k and 4.3k MMR
- We usually win our lane
- We usually play a support and a hero that is fast and that kills fast. Most of the time its something along the lines of Slark-Maiden, Mirana-Sandking/Withdoc, Maiden-Timbersaw, Axe-Dazzle. It depends on what we have with us, on the other side, and our mood.
- We usually have to take care of warding, smoking, and doing stuff like mekansm/pipe/vlads/etc.
- We're really comfortable ganging/roaming, pretty much what I call "playing".
So here is our issue, we play the first 7 minutes and end up having between 1 and 3 kills in our lane, and decide to start killing around. We manage to keep our enemy at bay while helping other lanes, and then the same problem occurs at every game :
- It's really hard to gang 4 players in woods when you're only 2
- We can't get our team to push when we actually manage to kill 2+ on our own.
What i'm looking for :
- Some kind of magic lineup that will help us achieve a win/a push with only two players while the other farm behind forever
- Something that can make people push with us when necessary, or gang with us when necessary. Warding doesnt' work, people just don't come.
We're thinking something along the lines of Io-Furion but we really dont' like Furion as a hero, since he has nothing good to speak of.
I've had great games where people follow, and games where people are passive for over an hour. BUT I seem to notice that the other team is rarely playing like that and has some actual synergy.
WHAT do you do to make people play actively ? HOW do you convince them to not pick 3 mortred?
What is your secret ?