I've created a capture-the-flag style map with command blocks, and I've tried to get rid of all the bugs that were in my map. The only thing that still doesn't work, however, is the scoreboard.
When red team scores a point, it will add a point for them on the scoreboard, but it will also add one for the blue team too, which shouldn't happen.
This also happens vice-versa, so if the blue team were to score, the red team would also score at the same time.
A last example would be that if a potato and an egg were on blue team and a chicken and wolf were on red, if red gets 3 points blue will also get 3 points in the scoreboard display of the red team.
Blue team:
(Blue): Potato 1 (true)
(Blue): Egg 1 (true)
(Red): Chicken 1 (false)
(Red): Wolf 1 (false)
Red team :
(Red): Chicken 3 (true)
(Red): Wolf 3 (true)
(Blue): Potato 3 (false)
(Blue): Egg 3 (false)
Commands for blue:
/scoreboard teams add EquipeBleue
/scoreboard objectives setdisplay list PointsBleu
/scoreboard teams option EquipeBleue color blue
/scoreboard teams option EquipeBleue friendlyfire false
/scoreboard objectives add PointsBleu dummy Points Equipe Bleue
/scoreboard players add @a PointsBleu 1
Commands for red:
/scoreboard teams add EquipeRouge
/scoreboard objectives add PointsRouge dummy Points Equipe Rouge
/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar PointsRouge
/scoreboard teams option EquipeRouge color red
/scoreboard teams option EquipeRouge friendlyfire false
/scoreboard players add @a PointsRouge 1