Animation Cancel
No champs has the same animation
Some champions animation cancel ( Like RIVEN ) ( DON't H8 M8 ) Are saving HUGE precious wasted seconds. her animations are so slow that just the fact of cancelling it ; you can not only move a bit faster; but also actually attack faster than your ACTUAL attack speed
VS Some other champions which have a very FAST Attack animation ( Ashe, Corki and Miss Fortune etc many others; pretty much 75% champs have a faster AA anim than riven ) Where even if you do some Anim cancels the % of time you're actually cutting throu the animation doesn't make that much of a big difference. So the Actual amount of time you're saving by cancelling the animation is much much smaller which Which doesnt really give you enough timer frame to BENEFIT from the actual cancellation.
Also im not sure but i do believe that Riven is 100% the one champion where Cancelling animation will give you a very noticeable speed boost in term of Mov speed. in order to cancel your animation by the; an auto attack is not needed; if you hit your hotkey for '' Laughing '' lets say. it will instantly cancel the animation ( TAKE NOTE. LAUGHING DOESNT MAKE YOU DO MORE DAMAGE; IT ''CANCELS'' YOUR Q ANIMATION thats it... and its funny . )