I am in 1.9 and I need to summon in a squid egg with certain properties

For example this needs to be called "Barbed Wire"

I have tried this command

/summon Item ~ ~1 ~ {Item:{id:minecraft:spawn_egg,Count=1b},ench:[],display:{Name:"Barbed Wire"},EntityTag:{id:"Squid",CustomName:"Barbed Wire",Tags:["BW"]}}

However when i power this is does nothing.

1 Answer 1


Tag names and values are separated by colons, not equal signs (should be Count:1b). Any item data that is not id, Damage, Count, or Slot, must be placed within a single tag tag. You've placed all of the extra item data outside of the item specification and at the root of the item entity.

Fixed command:

/summon Item ~ ~1 ~ {Item:{id:minecraft:spawn_egg,Count:1b,tag:{ench:[],display:{Name:"Barbed Wire"},EntityTag:{id:"Squid",CustomName:"Barbed Wire",Tags:["BW"]}}}}

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