Does anyone know how to fix an issue where changing zones (immediately after loading screen appears) FPS drops to single digits. Restarting the game is a workaround but I'm looking for a long-term fix.
1drops permanently or temporarily?– Raven DreamerCommented Nov 13, 2011 at 22:13
We need some more details on your specifications, configuration and what you have tried.– Tamara WijsmanCommented Nov 14, 2011 at 0:52
Core i7 920, GTX 560 Ti - it's not a system spec issue - I have a high speced machine. It's a permanent issue until the game is restarted or you leave the zone that spontaneously becomes affected (returning to where you just came from restores normal FPS).– BilgeCommented Nov 14, 2011 at 1:32
1I have encountered this as well and it isn't always permanent. The first time it happened it cleared up after about a minute, but recurred at the next zone change and persisted until restart. It also temporarily abates when certain menus are open, including the journal/stats/game menu and the map.– Ben BlankCommented Nov 14, 2011 at 2:40
The same thing happens to me. Reinstalled my graphics drivers for my Radeon HD 6900M card, worked temporarily, then the loading zone issue began arising again. It runs on ultra-high quality for the first loading zone I am in, then when it transfers to another loading zone it drops to about 10-15 fps. Any help would be much appreciated...– user14357Commented Nov 15, 2011 at 0:57
3 Answers
I think I found a fix for this issue guys. download the TES Skyrim 0.090 Patch 3 from here, drop the contents in your skyrim folder, not the "data" folder, just where you can find your .exe.
As far as I can understand its a driver specifically for Skyrim. In fact, when you open the launcher and go to change your settings it does not say the model of your card, it says the name of the driver in question. Sorry for my bad english.
Good luck!
1Can you explain a little more what that does? Otherwise this will be deleted for being potentially dangerous– juanCommented Nov 16, 2011 at 13:22
Well as far as I can understand its a driver specifically for Skyrim. In fact, when you open the launcher and go to change your settings it does not say the model of your card, it says the name of the driver in question. Sorry for my bad english.– NuComerCommented Nov 16, 2011 at 13:57
One thing. This file is not of my making. I don't know the person that made it but he's suppose to have a reputation in Elder Scroll's mod scene. He's name is Boris Vorontsov and his website (where you can get the download from) is– NuComerCommented Nov 16, 2011 at 14:12
Boris, who runs the ENB Series, makes custom directx dll's that try to improve performance and graphics for games that can benefit from it. The dll for Skyrim is work-in-progress and may or may not fix the problem. Commented Nov 20, 2011 at 20:16
@precog be careful with ENB Series, it can sometimes corrupt the whole darn sim. I had a horrid experience. I was running an fx mod, and was informed both could work together; it didn't. Uninstalling it didn't fix. It's still very much in development. The CK tools are not out yet (sometime in January... maybe) so you might want to hold off for a bit, or just keep a backup handy. Never know with this stuff.– user16280Commented Dec 11, 2011 at 7:24
I have the same problem. I've read somewhere that changing the AA to 2x and/OR turning it off ingame and forcing it on in your CCC fixes the stuttering issue.
A solution that does work is:
Going in and out of your menu screen (by spamming esc) 3-6 times.
That's a constant fix for me. Immersion breaking, however.
Also, turning off "object fading" in the advanced options menu in the launcher might be of influence. This is an idea of myself which I have not tested yet, but considering the fact that I heard people with the same issue complain that it happens when objects fade in made me think.
I haven't tested any of these resolutions yet. I'm at work and will try them out tonight. I have good hopes, however.