I'm trying to make an auto cobblestone farm and have been trying to make a piston push a block into another slab to drop it into a hopper as an item and into a chest.

However I don't believe it is working because I am playing on ps4 edition. Is there another way to make it happen for PS4?


2 Answers 2


There is no way to break cobble automatically using only redstone and pistons. You can, however, use TNT, creepers, and withers to destroy the blocks.


If you're playing on 1.14, I do believe that TNT duplicators aren't patched yet. So you can use it to break the blocks as TNT now drops all blocks it breaks. Place a collection at the bottom and coat it in obsidian. If you don't know how to make a TNT duplicator, I think YouTuber Mumbo Jumbo has a tutorial on how to do it. If not you should be able to find one by someone else.

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