I have problems to connect to a certain (Nitrado hosted) Minecraft Server. When I used my FritzBox Router, it worked perfectly. But now I use Telekom Speedport and I got the [Server Connector #5/ERROR]: Couldn't connect to server io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: no further information
message. I already restarted my Router, Minecraft and my PC without success. I am not sure what else I should do, since other Servers are working perfectly.
1 Answer
Okay, I am sorry... I figured it out: I just changed the Server-ip fromserver.ip
to server.ip:10400
. I am still curious why that happened. If someone knows why, I would be grateful to hear it! :D
my Client now tries to connect toserver.ip:25565
. How can I change that?