In earlier versions of vim-adventures I saw that the Puzzle was emptyStr = "xxxxx" which could be solved with either fx -> dw or fx -> de. However nowadays it seems to be a little different emptyStr = "xx xx", which brings me to my question/problem:

How can I delete xx xx inside the quotes " as it is not one word anymore, with my given keystrokes shown in the pictures below?

Either I am missing something here or this might be a BUG...



1 Answer 1


Basically you can use the d command with any {motion}, see vim reference http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/change.html#d.

["x]d{motion}       Delete text that {motion} moves over...

And a motion is explained here http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/intro.html#{motion} and can be w, b, 4j or t etc.


use t in combination


complete solution is fx -> dt"

So it is definitely not a BUG as mentioned earlier.

  • Do you all-caps 'BUG' for some reason? Commented Aug 14, 2021 at 19:51
  • 1
    Ah sorry, not in particular, nothing to do with the "BUG"s from the game itself :).
    – Tschabadu
    Commented Aug 15, 2021 at 7:37
  • I didn't realize there was Hint hidden with spoiler, but your answer pretty much gave me the answer. Thank you. Commented Dec 29, 2021 at 4:00

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