This may seem complicated, but what I am trying to do is that when any player walk on water for a bit, a playsound will be executed at the position of the player that walked on water, but everyone will hear it.
I already tried these commands:
/scoreboard objectives add water minecraft.custom:minecraft.walk_on_water_one_cm
/execute at @a[scores={water=220..}] run playsound minecraft:entity.player.swim master @a ~ ~ ~ 0.3 1 0.3
/scoreboard players reset @a[scores={water=220..}]
but this plays the sound at the position of every player, not only at the specific player
/execute at @a[scores={water=220..}] run playsound minecraft:entity.player.swim master @s ~ ~ ~ 0.3 1 0.3
also doesn't work, because it only plays the sound for the player that walked on water