On Nintendo Switch, can you get Minecraft Story Mode S2 EP1-5 as of now?

I found Minecraft Story Mode Season 1, and I found this.

But I don't know if I can still download episodes 2-5 as it says in the description, does it still work or is there a cartridge that contains all 5 already? I think some Reddit posts said something about it, but I couldn't find any more information.

1 Answer 1


It should still work. They lost a major investor, forcing them to shut down and stop making games. If you get season 1, get the complete adventure version instead of the season pass.

  • So the one I linked is the S1 complete adventure but does it include all the episodes or is it the same as in S2 where you have to download them via internet?
    – PianoCat98
    Commented Sep 27 at 18:02
  • And in my second link it is the S2 one that says you download them when they come out, so if you are correct I should be able to play all 5 episodes and with the S1 Complete Adventure I can play all 13?
    – PianoCat98
    Commented Sep 27 at 18:03
  • You should be able to.
    – Pengu Roxy
    Commented Sep 27 at 18:20
  • read this post: minecraft.net/article/…
    – PianoCat98
    Commented Sep 28 at 18:00

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