I've been searching but can't locate the statistics for Omega, whom you can tame in the Coliseum boss battle (Amazon.com pre-order bonus).

What is his role type? How does he develop (e.g. Early Learner, Late Bloomer, etc.)? I'm kind of assuming that he'll be a Late Bloomer but I suppose you never know... What are his final stats and level after fully leveled up?

4 Answers 4


Omega is a COM with Late Bloomed (i.e. max level 99), Sparkprone, and Heartless.

Passives Abilities: Feral Surge, Feral Fatigue and Leadenstrike.

Starting Attributes:

Attack 595
Magic  479
ATB    Level 3
HP     3241
  • +1 What is his feral link ability, and what does it do?
    – Yuck
    Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 12:52
  • It's "Wave Cannon" Help says: "Inflict magic damage on target and nearby foes. Input Type: Multiple"
    – LarsHJ
    Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 16:20

I've been playing for a little while now. My omega is level 64 and it's stats are

  • STR 1001 (STR 16% Passive)
  • MAG 580
  • HP 7412 (HP 25% Passive)
  • Does he learn those passives on his own or did you infuse him?
    – Yuck
    Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 11:02

Omega Level 1

HP:        3509
Strength:   601
Magic:      483

Omega Level 99

HP:       10002 (HP+30%)
Strength:  1304 (Strength+35%)
Magic:      994 (Magic+35%)
 - level    85
 - strength 1101
 - magic    709
 - hp       7168

aprox 200 level 5 atb for a lvl. 99

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