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Questions tagged [battlefield-2]

Battlefield 2, often called BF2, is a first person shooter published by Electronic Arts, and it's the third full game in the Battlefield series

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How to vertically take off in VTOL aircraft?

In Project Reality BF2 there are Harriers and Opsreys and maybe more VTOL aircraft. How do I properly do a vertical take off with these? I tried pressing the S key to start hovering and gain some ...
user35915's user avatar
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How to play Battlefield2 after the shutdown of Gamespy?

Since Gamespy shutted down the Battlefield2 Master servers, the vanilla game is not anymore able to authenticate users. Are there any options left to play the game online?
Daniel's user avatar
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How to keep the mouse within the borders [Dual monitors]

When I play these games on any resolution, I can't aim to the right else my cursor goes off screen and clicks on to my other screen. It minimizes the game and really hinders my ability to play since ...
Mkalafut's user avatar
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Is there a way to play expansions in offline mode?

As the title suggests, I am looking to see if there is a way to play the Battlefield 2 expansions with bots in offline mode.
Mkalafut's user avatar
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Too few servers in Battlefield 2?

I recently tried battlefield 2 on my friend house and i loved it, I know it's pretty old but i had never played it before. The thing is, he has a pirated version, but I prefer to have my game ...
marknix's user avatar
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Cannot play Battlefield 2 Booster Packs

I was reading on the Battlefield wiki about some maps I didn't recognise and they turned out to be from the Special Forces booster pack from Battlefield 2, so I thought I'd install BF2 and check them ...
tombull89's user avatar
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Notification about status of the population on BF2 server [closed]

Is there a way to monitor a dedicated Battlefield 2 server that would ping via cell-phone text message, e-mail, Twitter, FaceBook or otherwise communicate that there are players on the server? ...
theUg's user avatar
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Battlefield 2: 32/64 player map mods in single-player and impact on online play

I'm a very casual gamer these days and happen to quite enjoy the single-player mode of Battlefield 2. However, I like the 32/64 player maps from the online/multi-player version. It seems there are ...
Brad Leach's user avatar
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What patches do I need to play Battlefield 2?

I have a DVD copy of Battlefield 2 and don't know what patches I need to install first. The main ones are 1.41, 1.5, 1.51. I don't know if I need to just install 1.51 or what. Last time I installed ...
rayne117's user avatar
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How do you perform really tight manuevers with a plane in BF2?

I've given up trying to fly a plane in BF2 because it seems that everyone else can turn about twice as tightly as I can. I have a good joystick, but I just can't keep up. I see people from the ground ...
David Krider's user avatar
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Any tips on getting people to play together in a squad on Battlefield 2 (or 2142)?

I'm tired of joining servers and swapping around in squads looking for other people who want to stick together and play as a team. In my experience, just one good squad can win the whole round while ...
David Krider's user avatar
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Problems with playing Battlefield 2 where "My Documents" are not in the default location

I am having a problem with Battlefield 2 in where I receive a error popup on game start (after the intro menus): LOCERROR_Unable to open current profile. I think this is down to the fact my ...
tombull89's user avatar
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How can I determine the bottleneck in my gaming rig? [duplicate]

I have a Dell Dimension E510. Its most important gaming specs are: Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz CPU 1 GB of RAM (with a max of 4 GB) ATI Radeon X300 with 128 MB Typically I enjoy playing Counter Strike ...
sosc's user avatar
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Battlefield 2: steam compatibility / difference with the "normal" version

I'd like to buy BF2(complete collection) on Steam, but the friend I'll play with said it's not compatible with the "normal" version. I've read somewhere there's a problem with steam chat + punkbuster,...
o0'.'s user avatar
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At what part of the vehicle should I aim my LAT / HAT / tank shell?

I'm not sure where to aim my weapon when shooting at armor vehicles in Project Reality. I mean, I realize that the front armor is the strongest while the (rarely accessible) underside armor is pretty ...
Oak's user avatar
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Can I rename my offline profile in Battlefield 2?

I'd like to rename my offline profile in Battlefield 2. The offline profile is the one I use for playing over a LAN. I see there are two options: Modify a file/registry setting somewhere to rename ...
Tom Robinson's user avatar
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How long to wait between shots when using a deployed designated marksman rifle?

In Project Reality (BF2 version) you have to wait between consecutive shots for the weapon to completely settle, even though there is (unfortunately) no visual feedback for this information. For ...
Oak's user avatar
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Getting Battlefield 2 to run on my laptop?

I have a nice laptop. It is not fantastic but it rates in the high 6 and low 7 on the windows 7 user experience. I tried to run Battlefield 2 and it will not run. I get the splash screen then a ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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Where can I find professional trainers who give me lessons?

I am looking for good players who can train me and my friends in online multiplayer games. In particular Battlefield 2. Is there a place where I can find a coach that can give us lessons?
Cilvic's user avatar
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Can you create a new EA account with a second hand game?

I would like to sell my copy of Battlefield 2, but I cant remember if the CD Key was used to create my login account. I would not like to sell the game to someone if they will not be able to create an ...
Nippysaurus's user avatar
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Is there a way to support widescreen resolutions in Battlefield 2?

I recently bought Battlefield 2, but I can't find a way to change the resolution to a widescreen resolution. Is there a way to support widescreen resolutions (1920x1600 etc) in Battlefield 2?
Pieter van Niekerk's user avatar