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Can you still drive a Stingray into the Iwajira boss fight?

I was wondering if that glitch was patched, but I am unable to verify it myself. Is anyone able to verify that it is or isn't patched on the latest version?
Daedric's user avatar
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Where's the critical hit location on Rathyds?

Where's the critical hit location on Rathyds? I've killed over 700, maybe over 1000, and only seen them report crits, like, thrice at most? Where do I aim for crits, and do only natural ones, a.k.a ...
Malady's user avatar
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I can't get past the moonshot on True Vault Hunter Mode

I'm trying to play True Vault Hunter mode using Handsome Jack. Once I got moonshot, I never got the cut scene and I can't open the door to the Wastes. I also can't see my gun or HUD and can only use ...
Landon Poling's user avatar
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Claptrap in his own mind?

I'm curious how Claptastic Voyage explains entering Claptrap's mind if you're playing as Claptrap? Is it a different Claptrap?
Sam's user avatar
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Has the loot system been rebalanced in the pre-sequel?

So, I picked up the pre-sequel, and am about level 15. I've already found an orange shield from a badass enemy, and seen three in the Marcus Machines. They do however seem nerfed compared to the kind ...
Sidney's user avatar
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In Co-op as a Baroness, wielding a Capital Sniper Rifle (Incendiary), mysteriously got a Deadlift Quick Kill through shields

In Co-op as a Baroness, wielding a 92 damage Capital Sniper Rifle (Incendiary), and 600+ on a crit. Mysteriously got a Deadlift Quick Kill through shields. While grinding up / carrying my Gladiator, I ...
Malady's user avatar
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What does M3 stand for in the Clarivoyant challenge?

What does M3 stand for in the Clarivoyant challenge? During the Systems Jammed mission, destroying the Electrical Fuse Box before the quest tells me, to, completes the challenge. The challenge's text ...
Malady's user avatar
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How are drops treated on (fast) travel to a different area?

When I drop a purple weapon near the New-U in Serenity's Waste, sometimes it stays around when I leave for the The Nexus and return, and sometimes it doesn't. Why? Dropped it too close to the New-U? I ...
Malady's user avatar
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What does "chance to electrocute enemies" mean on a Rapid Shock Spike Shield?

What does "chance to electrocute enemies" mean on a Rapid Shock Spike Shield? It lists three effects: Deals Shock Spike Damage to melee attackers. Chance to Electrocute enemies. Shock Spike ...
Malady's user avatar
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Are there little to no Explosive sniper rifles that are Rare / Blue or below?

Are there little to no Explosive sniper rifles that are Rare / Blue or below? I have all the DLC, so I could try for a Omni-Cannon, which is a Legendary that has a hidden Explosive trait... Assuming ...
Malady's user avatar
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Borderlands Pre-Sequel PC Weapon Swap Glitch?

A few friends and I were playing BLands Per-Sequel, 4 Claptraps, and one of our players lost the ability to swap weapons; to be more accurate, a single weapon seemed to fill all his weapon slots. We'...
user218226's user avatar
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Borderlands pre sequel not launching TVHM

My borderlands the pre sequel isn't letting me go to true vault hunter mode. It did show me the pop up and everything but when I went to go in it just stays at the loading screen and won't spawn. I ...
xGummy's user avatar
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How to farm non-respawnable bosses (Pre Respawnable bosses patch - Xbox 360)

I'm trying to farm the Even-More-Disgusting Tork for a flakker but I've heard that he is non-respawnable. However, I've seen people get it anyway without the grinder. So how do people farm these non-...
Jaime Gonzales's user avatar
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'Undiscovered' mission after completing it - glitch?

I've been playing Borderlands: The Pre Sequel. I finished the mission Fresh Air, and I got a reward for completing it. The next day I did all other missions, but I have seen it's undiscovered, and I ...
Polen Quick's user avatar
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Borderlands Pre-Sequel - Number of possible weapons

I remember an old advert for the original Borderlands about how there were a "Bajillion" different guns you could find. Obviously this was for marketing purposes. (According to Gearbox the first ...
Kelewan's user avatar
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