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Questions tagged [dxvk]

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Brick Rigs Graphics Issue

So I am currently trying to run Brick Rigs on my Linux Machine using Wine and DXVK. Game runs and I can "play" but the key is I can't see anything, that means I only see one color instead of ...
UnitedCatdom's user avatar
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AOE2 DE: How to disable debug information?

Some time ago I somehow enabled debug information in AOE2 DE, which is displayed in top left corner all the time (including main menu, etc.). This information sadly cannot be disabled by pressing F5 / ...
Firzen's user avatar
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How do I make sure that my game is working with Vulkan when using DXVK on Windows?

DXVK is a "mod" for games originally developed for DirectX 9, 10 and 11 that allows them to run with Vulkan instead of DirectX. Is there a way to make sure that the game where I installed ...
Lemon's user avatar
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