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Questions tagged [grand-theft-auto-chinatown-wars]

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How to throw grenade or Molotov in GTA: Chinatown Wars on PSP?

Well, I know that's on mobile we need just swipe, but have no idea how to throw on PSP. Pressing SELECT I only can choose from main weapons, so I only can see icon of secondary weapon in the right up ...
Mouvre's user avatar
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How do I connect my copy GTA Chinatown Wars with Rockstar Social Club?

I've tried and tried, and now I just get the following screen: (Note the lack of a "Friend Code", even though it was entered.) The game itself says my stats have been synced fine. It's been months ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
5 votes
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In GTA Chinatown Wars for iPhone is it possible to park the Rhino?

When you purchase the Rhino in BOABO, is it possible to park this anywhere and save? I've tried taking it to a couple of hideouts, but it says something along the lines of 'this is too big to park ...
going's user avatar
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Is there a 100% completion guide for GTA Chinatown Wars for iPhone?

I've just completed the main storyline for GTA: Chinatown Wars on my iPhone and I am currently sitting around 60% complete. Is there anywhere I can find a list of things that I need to do to complete ...
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