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Questions tagged [hacknet]

A terminal-based hacking simulator, released by Team Fractal Alligator in August 2015.

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2 votes
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What Can You do After Beating the Story

I just recently beat Hacknet, and it seemed really short. Other than the achievements and buying the DLC, is there any other content in the game? I would really like to spend more time in the game but ...
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Remove host from host map in Hacknet

I'm pretty far through Hacknet and my hosts window looks like this: How do I clean up here (i.e. remove some of the hosts)?
Theo C's user avatar
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Hacknet problem

When I got hacked by Naix, I did everything right; I downloaded his x-server.sys, then I rebooted my computer, and it worked fine. Now I don't know what to do, and I accidentally deleted all my .sys ...
BoomPow31's user avatar
2 votes
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How to export save game in DRM free Hacknet version?

Do you know where find save file in DRM free version (to be more fun in Linux;)). I need to export my savegame to other machine.
vigl's user avatar
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How does the audio visualizer work?

The Audio Visualizer is the little box on the bottom left of the screen whilst playing. When there is no music playing, it stays still, and when music is playing, it adjusts to the volume/beat/etc. of ...
rivermont's user avatar
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eOSDeviceScan opens ThemeChanger

Running eOSDeviceScan.exe on any computer opens the ThemeChanger.exe window. Creating a new account, deleting ThemeChanger, and renaming eOSDeviceScan do nothing. This has been happening since the v4....
rivermont's user avatar
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6 votes
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Are the in-game Steam keys real?

Among the general gibberish that can be found on certain NPC computers, there are file that contain what look like Steam game keys. There's a thread on the Steam Hacknet discussion forums, but it ...
rivermont's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there a file limit?

I have been downloading any and all of the important files that I find, and I haven't run into any problems yet. I know that there is a RAM limit, but is there a limit to the amount of files you can ...
rivermont's user avatar
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Do I need to delete my own logs?

I know that it's important to delete your logs on other people's systems, but I have not seen anything about deleting the log files on my own computer. I am not far enough into the game to be hacked, ...
rivermont's user avatar
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How can I delete a saved game?

I want to wipe my saved game so that I can start over without having to use a different username. There doesn't seem to be an in-game option. Which files do I need to manually modify/nuke?
Iszi's user avatar
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How can I better organize my files?

I'm having a hard time finding any commands for adding/deleting/moving/renaming folders. Are they just non-existent? Are there any workarounds?
Iszi's user avatar
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How do I get my original GUI?

Related: Got hacked and my system won't boot the GUI So, I got the GUI fixed but now it's a lot different from how it used to be. And I don't like it. Is there any way I can get my original GUI ...
Iszi's user avatar
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Playing Hacknet without Unix knowledge possible?

I'm really interested in playing Hacknet but my problem is that I don't have any Unix command knowledge. And as the game is based on Unix commands I'm not quite sure whether I should buy it, because I ...
Lunaetic's user avatar
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Deleted a file that I need for the mission "Through the Spyglass"

I have made really good progress on Hacknet, but I am at the mission "Through the Spyglass" for CSEC. I accidentally deleted (because I thought they were logs) all the files in the /WORKLOGS folder. I ...
jackson123's user avatar
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Is Clock.exe all you get from Tick_Tock?

I finally get to the end(?) of the hidden mission that starts with an email to dlocke. But I've only gained a file called Clock.exe,after deciphering it. Is that all? A program of a clock?
Dani Rodríguez's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Hacknet Jailbreak mission

I'm stuck in the Hacknet Jailbreak mission. I already discovered the mobile, but I don't have the software to break the eOS device. It also says I need 3 ports cracked, but probe just shows 2 ports. ...
vianna77's user avatar
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10 votes
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Got hacked and my system won't boot the GUI

I got hacked by Naix and he deleted my GUI. I can only run command lines. How can I recover my GUI?
Warface's user avatar
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