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Heroes 3 Complete - cheat without cheating

Could anyone please explain how cheat mechanism works? When playing original homm3 campaign: The first campaign I used: nwctheconstruct - for TP check in magic guild and reload back to precheat save ...
Aubergine's user avatar
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Heroes Chronicles in HD resolution

I have bought Heroes Chronicles Pack on, which includes all 8 chapters of this game. Unfortunately, the game works only on 4:3 resolutions and I am not able to run it on HD mode. I found some ...
TravelerVihaan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Enabling simultaneous turns in Heroes of Might and Magic 3 HotA

I would love to be able to play this game in single player and simultaneous turns! :D Is it possible?
Jamie Hutber's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I view equipped artifact details in the Heroes III iPad app?

I'm playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 on the iPad app, and my hero has quite some artifacts. While I know from the PC version what for example the Ring of Infinite Gems does, I forgot the effects of ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How is speed calculated and what effect does it have in combat?

I am curious, does speed have a negative or positive effect when working out combat results?
Jamie Hutber's user avatar
1 vote
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Heroes of Might and Magic 3 or 4 (persistent world mode)

A friend and me would like to play HOMM 3 or 4 online against each other but without the need to finish the game in a single session. Rather, we would each like to be able to make the move, then do ...
RaphiK's user avatar
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How can I check if map has some spells disabled?

Recently I played some player-made map downloaded from one of those heroes-3-maps websites. To my frustration I found out that some spells are disabled on that map - I've tried to get Town Portal but ...
arghtype's user avatar
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Combination artifacts assembled in campaigns

I know that the Cloak of the Undead King, the Armor of the Damned and the Angelic Alliance all play the important role in the Shadow of Death campaigns, and are all assembled and used throughout them. ...
UchuuStranger's user avatar
12 votes
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Enabling simultaneous turns in Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete + HD+ patch over TCP/IP

How can I enable simultaneous turns in Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete + HD+ patch over TCP/IP? From what I found on the site I should be having the following options in multiplayer: But ...
Răzvan Flavius Panda's user avatar
10 votes
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Why is Conflux often banned in tournaments?

I've heard many times that Conflux is an overpowered town. Some of its strengths are indeed a thing to consider: Phoenixes are good 7th level creatures (when upgraded), creatures of levels 1-3 are ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
4 votes
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HoMM 3 Horn of the Abyss

Installed the Horn of the Abyss expansion pack, can't figure out the setting to make it properly full screen (see the inside game window you interact with?, I want to make that full screen and not ...
user1821961's user avatar
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Artifact lost with retreating hero?

There are many scenarios where you have to deliver a certain artifact to a Seer's Hut or equivalent to be able finish the game. Then an enemy player can find the artifact first and, while battling you,...
Communisty's user avatar
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What is the Market of Time supposed to do?

One of the original scenarios in Heroes of Might and Magic III, Titan's Winter, contains a strange map structure on the final piece of land, the "Market of Time". This is the only scenario containing ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Do two Equestrian's Gloves stack

I know that Equestrian's Gloves in Heroes of Might and Magic III increase my movement points by 300. If I equip two gloves in two ring slots, do I get 300 or 600?
svavil's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to purchase a new catapult?

When the catapult of one of my heroes is destroyed (e.g. because of a sufficiently powerful Armageddon spell during a siege), how can I purchase a new one for him/her? Is there any town structure ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Is it possible to play Heroes of Might and Magic 3/4 on daily basis?

Has anyone had any success playing HOMM 3/4 on daily basis? Meaning that you get to play one move and your opponent then has X days to make his. So that you do not have to play at the same time, such ...
heikeke's user avatar
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Do bonuses provided by city buildings transfer with your hero to the next scenario mission?

Some cities allow you to construct buildings which provide a buff to any hero that visits that city. Do these bonuses transfer with your hero to later missions, or can I avoid hitting these up if I'm ...
FreeAsInBeer's user avatar
11 votes
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Why can't I see the amount of troops in an enemy town sometimes in HoMM 3?

Sometimes when I try to decide whether to attack the town or not I see something like this, just the icons of the units and no approximate numbers at all. Why?
Calmarius's user avatar
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Armorer Bug in HD Remake

Was the old Armorer Bug fixed in the recent HD Remake (the new release on Steam, not to be confused with the fan-made HD Mod of the original) of Heroes of Might and Magic III? The original version of ...
Southpaw Hare's user avatar
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Teleport vs Flight

What are the differences between the Flight and Teleport types of unit movement? In Heroes of Might and Magic III, there are three types of unit movement: ground, air, and teleportation. The last of ...
Southpaw Hare's user avatar
5 votes
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Which of the combination artifacts can be used together?

The various combination artifacts each involve some number of individual artifacts; to equip a combined artifact, the slots for the individual artifacts must be available. In some cases equipping ...
Grant Palin's user avatar
14 votes
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What is the calculation behind Attack, Defense and Spellpower?

Could someone please explain how Attack and Defence affect Monster Stats and how Spellpower affects Spells?
user avatar
8 votes
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The bonus artifacts don't show up in Tunnels and Troglodytes (Liberation campaign)

I'm playing through Heroes 3's campaigns and on the previous scenario I had 2 pieces of Charm of Mana and a Pendant of Life on my main hero at the end. I explored the map, acquired all items but I was ...
Adam Arold's user avatar
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16 votes
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What does a broken arrow mean?

When hovering over an enemy in combat it changes your cursor to an arrow if you're making a ranged attack. Sometimes the arrow is broken, and other times it's unbroken. What's the difference between ...
Wipqozn's user avatar
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How do I restore mana?

I've seen wells that fully replenish the mana of a hero that visits, but since that is just a map feature, I can't always rely on it to be there. How else can I restore the mana of my caster heroes?
solmyr's user avatar
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Is there a way to "unlearn" skills in Heroes III?

In Heroes of Might and Magic III your heroes gain skills as they level up. When you level up, you will be presented with two options for skills, one of which you can opt to learn. There are three ...
Marty's user avatar
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How can I unlock all campaigns in HOMM 3?

I have Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete. I'd like to play the initially locked campaigns that get unlocked after you beat the entire available list. Is there a way to do it without beating the ...
Keeper's user avatar
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17 votes
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How does Heroes of Might & Magic 3 choose which music to play at the beginning of a battle?

There are eight different short audio clips played at the beginning of every battle in HoMM III. The corresponding file names are battle0{0..7}.wav (contained in one of the .snd archives). How does ...
dpq's user avatar
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Heroes of Might & Magic 3 adventure map object reference

I remember seeing quite a while ago an "official-looking" PDF file containing a complete reference of HoMM III, including, most importantly, information on Adventure Map objects (such as probabilities ...
dpq's user avatar
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Heroes of Might & Magic 3: troop speed formula?

On the battlefield, you can often observe that creatures have better stats if they are accompanied by a hero. While it is perfectly clear for attack and defense ratings (the appropriate stats of the ...
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