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Questions tagged [playstation-plus]

PlayStation Plus is a paid for PSN tiered subscription service which provides enhanced PSN services such as automatically updating your PlayStation, backing up game saves to the cloud, discounts on DLC, and more. In 2022 it was merged with PlayStation Now.

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1 answer

Gift PS4 to remote family with access to PSN content

I'm going to ship my old PS4 to my brother as a gift and would like to leave him with access to the digital games I own and PS+ Premium. Ideally, I'd be able to make him and my nephew and accounts ...
jreed121's user avatar
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2 answers

Why PS5 is showing a game as "In Library" and also an option to purchase?

I recently bought a PS5 with a PS Plus Extra Subscription. I wanted Bloodborne and Demon Souls as the first few games. However, I found it quite confusing. I claimed Bloodbrone and Demon Souls as they ...
pc_fuel's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Will my Minecraft worlds stay in my game after my Playstation Plus expires?

My Playstation Plus subscription expires in about 3 more days. I have a Minecraft world that is in the cloud storage that Playstation Plus offers. When my subscription expires, will I still be able to ...
Mun's user avatar
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If I delete game progress from my PlayStation, will it remove it from the ps+ cloud?

I’m trying to delete some things to get some more space for a new game, I noticed that my saved game files take up a fair amount of room. I have saved the one I want to delete from my console to the ...
Mr-unknown's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

PS Plus Collection - what is it and how do I access it?

I’ve signed up for PS Plus Essential which includes the Playstion Plus Collection: According to Sony’s own website, this includes a list of games: However, taking the first game on that list as an ...
Darren's user avatar
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1 answer

Continue playing already downloaded game with new license

I have downloaded the game 'Assassin's Creed Valhalla' as 'one week free play'. After one week I was not able to play it. Now I bought PS Plus subscription and this game is in its catalogue and I can ...
Obtice's user avatar
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If I have the Battle Pass and a bundle from the item shop, will my progress still save when my PlayStation Plus subscription expires?

I have both the Battle Pass and a bundle for Call of Duty: Cold War. Will my progress still save after my PlayStation Plus subscription expires?
Jase Loper's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

If I cancel my PS Plus subscription, will my game saves that I uploaded to the cloud disappear?

Recently, I bought a 12 months subscription for PS Plus and uploaded some game saves to the cloud. Then, I canceled my subscription and requested a refund which was approved and bought a 3 months ...
Lord Jesus's user avatar
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Unable to Play Game of Online Invite with PS5 and Mortal Kombat X

I have Mortal Kombat X on my PS5 which I downloaded from the PS Plus store. A friend of mine has the disc version of the same game. We went to Online -> Private match and tried sending invites to ...
AnOldSoul's user avatar
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Playstation store having games PS5/PS4 and PS4 [closed]

What's the deal with Playstation Store having certain identical games tagged with PS4/PS5 and another version only for PS4. The example is Ride 4 currently in store. They even have the same exact ...
Michael Munta's user avatar
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1 answer

Monthly free games same as ones received as PS4 collection

I have a PS Plus subscription on my PS5 and one of the games from PS4 you receive as a subscriber is Mortal Kombat X - the game that is this month's free game. So what's the point of that game then if ...
Michael Munta's user avatar
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Amperage for Fat PS2 with IEC C13 Female Lead Plug To UK 3 Pin Plug?

Was trying to find the amperage for a FAT PS2 using a IEC C13 Female Lead Plug To UK 3 Pin Plug. Can't seem to find the information anywhere.
rkk's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I play online without PlayStation Plus?

Can I play Minecraft online without PlayStation Plus? If yes, is there a free option to do so? (It might as well be a server)
Mike Z.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

If I cancel a PS+ subscription, will I still have access to downloaded saves from the cloud?

So, I borrowed a friend’s PS4 in order to play an exclusive game and I loved it so much that I went out and bought my own PS4 so I could play the game more. I know you have to have a PlayStation Plus ...
Sarah Allen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Corrupted Digital Games

Alright so my Red Dead Redemption 2 game is corrupted on my PS4 and I only have it in digital. I do not have access to the account that originally bought it so I don’t know what to do. If I upload my ...
heyitsethyn 's user avatar
2 votes
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Does Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas 4 require PlayStation network subscription?

I have read in a review about Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas 4, that PlayStation network subscription is required for the hotas to work on PS4, is this true?
user avatar
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Playstation Plus account for a *child* account? (PS4)

I'm looking to get a Playstation Plus account for my eldest. I have setup a Family and my PSN account is the "parent" account. I am aware that if I activate the PS+ subscription on "my&...
JJarava's user avatar
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Does exist any way to add PS+ PS4 Collection games to PS4 without PS5?

I understand, that PS+ PS4 Collection is available on PlayStation 5. I also know that if I add PS4 PS+ Collection games, then I am able to install and play them on PlayStation 4 too. But does exists ...
TravelerVihaan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cloud save issues

I have PS plus, and I have cloud saves for all of my games. However, on all of my games, the cloud saves error out with the reason that the save I have is older than the one saved. This is not true. ...
Eris Starmaster's user avatar
1 vote
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How many PS+ subscriptions do we need to play on a private server over the Internet?

I want to play Ark: Survival Evolved with a friend. We both got a PS4, but no PS+ subscription (yet). I've read that you can host a non-dedicated server on one of the consoles or get a 3rd one and ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 answer

Share 2 PS4s with 2 PSN Accounts

I've recently moved in with a friend who owns a shiny PS4 pro connected to our main TV. I have a trusty standard edition PS4 in my office. We both have our own seperate PS+ subscriptons. We own a ...
Jonny's user avatar
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1 answer

Ps4 free monthly games

I have a question. I am subscribed to PS+, and I started downloading a free game in June. Can I download it anytime I want or is there a deadline before they charge me for it?
Koder90's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot connect to my local server in Minecraft Bedrock LAN Games on PS4

I have a Minecraft Bedrock server up and running on my LAN (local network). In Minecraft on PS4 there is a Friends tab with LAN Games section, where my server appears. When I click to join the server ...
Matt Rek's user avatar
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Can I share a PlayStation Plus subscription between two accounts if both of them are from different regions?

The PS plus USA region is much cheaper than subscription from UAE. I want to play online games from my UAE account because I have 15 platinum there.
Abdullah Sabir's user avatar
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After my Ps Plus expired, do I keep my progress on the free games

I just got Battlefront 2 for free via: Ps Plus and I’m just wondering if I keep my skins, progress etc after the subscription expires,Will I keep my progress?
Nahog's user avatar
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1 answer

Are Playstation Plus subscriptions region locked?

I currently live in the UK, however Playstation Plus is cheaper for the American version (£27) than the UK version (£41) on CDkeys. I am unsure if this will work or not - I do not care about the games ...
V2020's user avatar
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New PS Plus subscription won't work

I bought my son a PS Plus subscription yesterday and he is still not able to play any multiplayer games. When I go into Settings/Network (either mine as the family manager or his), it says "These ...
clowncarparade's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I buy a PS4 game if I own the free version? [duplicate]

Say I have a PS4 subscription and a free monthly game. What happens if I decide to cancel my subscription, but decide to buy the previously free game (so I won't need the subscription to play it). ...
Noddy Bigears's user avatar
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Based in the US; can I purchase PS Plus for a UK-based player?

As the title says: I'm a PlayStation User in the US, and I'd like to purchase PlayStation Plus time for a friend of mine who lives in the UK. The PlayStation Store suggests the correct way to do this ...
Lamprey's user avatar
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Can you manage your Playstation Plus account from another console?

I've had a PS4 Playstation Plus account for years, love it, it's great. I have a cousin with cerebral palsy which live out of state who also loves gaming. Is there a way I can share my account with ...
Ryan's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is PS+ mandatory for PSN account?

Is a monthly membership in the PSN necessary just to buy a game now and again to play? I just bought a PS4 and agreed to a trial membership but do I have to continue a monthly membership to shop for ...
Aaron's user avatar
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If I login to a PS4 from a different region to my PSN account can I use a payment method from the the PS4s region to make purchases on my account?

I have a PSN account set to a different region than I am currently in, so I am unable to buy PS Plus. Can I log in with my account on my friend's device that is set to my current region, subscribe ...
Sherif ElGohary's user avatar
3 votes
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If my PS Plus account expires, do my free packs expire as well?

I know you lose free games, such as the free monthly games, when your Plus expires. But what about the free packs you've downloaded? I have Tera — a free game you can get without PS Plus, and since I ...
Nugget's user avatar
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Effective way to block Playstation Store without deleting/recreating users?

I'm hoping to block the Playstation Store to prevent unnecessary spending and browsing for some users on my PS4. In researching how to do this, it involves setting up Family Management and ...
zr00's user avatar
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Why did Tokyo Jungle just exit mid game?

I was playing Tokyo Jungle and while playing it i was getting a console message at the top corner saying that This content will expire in # Minutes i first got it just after i did the tutorial ...
Memor-X's user avatar
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I need new psn account and subscribe PS+. Will I be able ot access the games from my old PS+ account?

My old account has a lot of PS+ games. For some reason, I have subscribed to PS+ for a new account I have created. I have joined my old account as a "Family member" to the new account. Will I be able ...
Dante's user avatar
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PS Plus Monthly Games Already Owned

I live in Germany and I'm a PS Plus user since last October. I've been really enjoying the monthly free games since it pushes you to go out of your comfort zone with video games and try excellent ...
eManna's user avatar
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Can I retrieve saved data from a deleted user that had uploaded data through Playstation Plus?

I got an error code: 36006-5 and I wasn't able to start up any game anymore. On a forum I saw that deleting the user and creating a new one might do the trick. Before I deleted the user, I uploaded ...
chrise's user avatar
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4 votes
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PlayStation says I already have Playstation Plus but Overwatch says i don't

I have my own PSN account which was created on my mom's PS4 (not a sub account I’m over 18) and so I recently bought my own PS4. Without PlayStation plus from my mom I went to go purchase a ...
iamnotaclam's user avatar
5 votes
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Can I check playtime on PS4 without PS Plus?

I have been playing a log of RDR2 recently. I have bought the PS4 only to play exclusive games. Hence, don't have a PS Plus subscription. I want to know how long I played the game. Is there a generic ...
darth-gamer's user avatar
0 votes
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Are the PS Plus exclusive skin's available on my account if I am not the consoles PS Plus subscriber? [duplicate]

I have been trying to get the PS Plus exclusive skin for Fortnite on my account but I don't have PS Plus. Although one of the accounts on the PS4 has PS Plus, so can I still get the skin on my ...
Starchild's user avatar
2 votes
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I don't have playstation plus and deleted my saved data

I don't have PlayStation plus and deleted my saved data if I subscribe to PS plus will my deleted data be there? I have used all my trials and I DO NOT have PS plus this current moment. So shall I ...
Ubaid's user avatar
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Gamesharing problems on PS4

I've been overwhelmed with the unforeseen "hic-up" in my plan as I was trying to GameShare/swap, also I should add that I am ignorant to game swapping because I had a hard time looking up an up-to-...
Connor Stinnett's user avatar
3 votes
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Do I need to keep my PS Plus subscription to play my free PS3 games now that PS Plus is no longer giving away PS3 games?

It has been expressed by Sony that soon PlayStation Plus will no longer be providing PS3 games. I only own a PS3 and not a PS4 so it will become useless to me after this (until I buy another console ...
John Demetriou's user avatar
2 votes
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Move PS4 HDD to PS4 Pro? Keep data intact?

I upgraded my PS4 to a 2 TB HDD, can I just install it into a new PS4 Pro? Im asking because Im worried there might be problems with the software and/or firmware differences between the playstations. ...
Shaawn's user avatar
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Are there any benefits of opting out of free PS plus games?

I always was wondering if my free games of the month deal is somehow limited. I heard that there is a assurance that the games I get for free in PS plus should exceed particular cost. At the same time ...
Aleksandr Medvedev's user avatar
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What is Gameshare, and what should I do if I did?

I'm pretty sure I Gameshared, but I'm not 100% sure: I don't fully understand what Gameshare means or if I did it. Could someone explain it to me? Background I'll start from the beginning: I have a ...
Gary Zenger's user avatar
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Will sharing PS Plus still work on diffrent servers? (E.g. US and Singapore)

I made a US account on my PS4 and I plan to buy PS Plus Asia so it will be cheaper. Then I made a Singapore account. Can I ask if sharing PS Plus will still work on different servers?
Raniel Tony Pulga's user avatar
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Three boys, two systems, one PlayStation Plus account

They all play on both systems at different times, but for some reason it is locking two of my kids out of all games. I need all three kids to have access to all games on both systems at anytime. Why ...
user210297's user avatar
9 votes
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Can I get free PS+ games 'retroactively'?

I just discovered to my utter dismay that I was paying for Plus membership (for over a year), thinking that it is required to access PlayStation Shop. I would have continued to do so, but luckily I ...
Amiga500's user avatar
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