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Can Lunala fuse with Necrozma in regular Pokemon Moon?

I was wondering if I can fuse my Necrozma and Lunala in Pokemon Moon (not Ultra version). Just curious.
Pokemon-Playa's user avatar
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When a Pokemon gets infected by Pokerus, does it inherit the Pokerus' days left to be cured?

Last night I was capturing and infecting low level Pokemon to give away on Wonder Trade. I was using an infected Hypno as an infection source, this Hypno contracted Pokerus 3 days ago (and ...
Juan Antonio Orozco's user avatar
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How to calculate the chance of Effect Spore being invoked against specific types that are immune to some conditions?

In Pokémon 7th gen, the chance of Effect Spore activating is 30%. However, some types like Steel or Electric are immune to some conditions such as Poison or Paralysis. In this case, if say, Kartana ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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Is there a way to set up a Ghost-type with Synchronize for SOS chaining?

I want to SOS chain a Beldum for a shiny, but Take Down is an issue. So naturally, I want a Ghost-type so it doesn't knock itself out. The issue is that I also need it to have Synchronize so that it's ...
That One Random Scrub's user avatar
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Can we Wonder Trading pokemon between generations?

For example, I'm wonder trading some pokemon from Sun & Moon, and in the same time my friend also wonder trading, but he wonder trading from pokemon X & Y. Is it possible that our trade meet ...
JTR's user avatar
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Can a Pokemon learn a move that I previously denied?

I accidentally stopped Incineroar from learning Darkest Lariat, Is there any other way to get it to learn this move? I know it's his signature move but the new setup is crazy weird and I accidentally ...
Karl Nitram's user avatar
6 votes
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When are the statistics (IVs/Ability/Gender etc.) for a hatched Pokémon randomised?

Sun and Moon have significantly changed the breeding mechanic. In ORAS, I could save before picking up eggs, hatch them, then soft reset (SR) back to the save, and get a completely new set of eggs (i....
Matt Taylor's user avatar
7 votes
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How will offspring Pokemon inherit the Pokeball when breeding in Sun/Moon?

Starting in 6th generation, the Pokéball of the female Pokémon is passed down to its offspring. Male and genderless Pokémon (including Ditto), instead, have no impact on the type of Pokéball inherited....
pinckerman's user avatar
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Is it possible to transfer Pokemon from previous 3DS Pokemon games to Sun/Moon? [duplicate]

I own three Pokemon games on 3DS: Y, OmegaRuby and Moon. I've got some nice Pokemon in first two. Is it somehow possible for me to transfer my Pokemon to Pokemon Moon?
lentinant's user avatar
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What happens to Zygarde cells if I trade Zygarde away?

One of those random questions that pops into your head. If I have a 10% Forme Zygarde and I trade it away to another game, does that mean the cells that make it up are lost and I am unable to ...
IG_42's user avatar
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Other than changing appearance, what does the Schooling ability do?

Serebii describes the ability as Changes the Pokémon's form when it is Level 20 and has more than 25% Hit Points. When Hit Points drop below 25%, it changes back to Solo Form Does this ability ...
Phil D.'s user avatar
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Besides specific evolutions, which benefits are there for making my Pokemon happy?

Is there any reason, besides specific evolutions of some Pokemon that I need to make them happy? Do their moves get stronger the happier they are? Is there a quest that I will miss out on if some of ...
FoxMcCloud's user avatar
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Is a pokemon's gender determined before it hatches from its egg?

At what point is a pokemon's gender (or other stats) determined when it originates from an egg? Is it determined as soon as the egg is added to the player's inventory, or is it only determined when ...
nasukkin's user avatar
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Are there still field moves?

I just caught an Abra with Teleport and wanted to go back to a Pokémon Center. I have my Pokémon selection screen open, but it doesn't seem like I can use Teleport outside of battle. Am I still able ...
zero298's user avatar
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How do I trade with friends over the internet in Pokemon Sun/Moon?

It might just be me, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to trade with a friend over the internet. How do you trade in Pokemon Sun Moon? Is it as convoluted as I think it is?
Robotnik's user avatar
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Which Pokemon have had changes to stats, abilities or their movepool in Pokemon Sun/Moon?

Most generations of Pokemon see changes to older Pokemon's stats, abilities, as well as movepools. Which Pokemon received changes in Sun/Moon when compared to the 6th generation games? What were the ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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Which old abilities changed their effect in Pokemon Sun Moon?

I've heard that some old abilities changed their effect in Pokemon Sun&Moon, some of them being nerfed and other buffed. For example: Gale Wings now only gives Flying attacks priority when the ...
pinckerman's user avatar
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How does breeding Alolan form Pokémon work?

I'm curious how breeding in Pokémon Sun and Moon is affected by the new Alolan forms. Is the form randomly distributed based on the parents, like abilities or nature are? For example, if I breed an ...
Vemonus's user avatar
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