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Questions tagged [street-fighter-x-tekken]

a crossover fighting game featuring characters from both the Street Fighter franchise and Namco's Tekken series. The objective is to knock out one of the members from the opposing team.

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How do I perform the basic move combos in training mode?

In Street Fighter X Tekken there's a practice/trial mode. The first few trials are special moves which, ironically, are easy to do. After that come some "basic combos" which seem to be a lot harder. ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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How to get back on foot with Ogre's Owl's Hunt?

When Ogre gets knocked down, it's possible to get him back on foot with the Owl's Hunt attack. I do it frequently, but I don't really understand how: it doesn't look like the same move than the one ...
Anto's user avatar
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Are there any unlockable characters and how to unlock them?

I'm playing the PC version of Street Fighter X Tekken, and I'm curious to know if the unlockables differ from the console version.
Anto's user avatar
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Is it possible to play Street Fighter X Tekken with 2 players online on one PC?

The XBox360 version allows only one player to play online, so if you want to play online with your buddy (same team), you basically need 2 XBox360s each with a copy of the game. Will the PC version ...
ayckoster's user avatar
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Who picks up Street Fighter x Tekken easier a Street Fighter veteran or a Tekken veteran?

As Street Fighter x Tekken is a crossup game and has elements from both game series for whom is it easier to learn the game?
ayckoster's user avatar
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What is a good way to beat/stop Hugo in Street Fighter X Tekken?

I've tried numerous amounts of combinations, either my play is completely wrong to where I get stomped every game, or I'm picking super weak characters that cannot out poke or out damage him, even ...
Kirkalirk's user avatar
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List of Titles and how to unlock them

In game you have numerous ways to unlock titles for showing off during online play. I was wondering if anyone has stumbled upon a list of said titles and how to unlock them.
stay's user avatar
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What is the fighting engine like in Street Fighter X Tekken?

Is the fighting style of Street Fighter X Tekken be that of Street Fighter which is more fast paced or will it be more like Tekken which is more slower and more "realistic"?
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