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What is new in the Director's Cut of Wasteland 2?

I've been trying to find information about the differences between Wasteland 2 and Wasteland 2: Director's Cut. I found a great graphics comparison, but I'm more interested in the changes to gameplay, ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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In Wasteland 2, is there any non-corpse loot in random encounters?

In random encounters, corpses leave loot, but is there ever any crates or toasters or other interactable objects as part of the map? It doesn't look like it, I haven't found any so far, but I keep ...
Daniel Paul's user avatar
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How do I complete the Infected Farm?

On my way back to Ranger Citadel from the AG Center, I was told to go to the Infected Farm, so I did. I killed all the enemies, looted all the loot, and whispered all the cattle. The only object I ...
Dpeif's user avatar
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Get different prices when buying or selling weapons and ammo?

Will I get different prices with different weapon dealers or the prices are somewhat the same everywhere?
vianna77's user avatar
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Can I port my old save game to Wasteland 2 Director's Cut?

I started playing Wasteland 2 a while back and only recently noticed the Director's Cut. On Steam, it's listed as a separate game, so I installed it. When I launched it, I noticed that it didn't show ...
Anthony Mastrean's user avatar
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Why did the Matthias character on Wasteland 2 have a portrait of Pope Clement V

I was reading about history, then I realized that the portrait of the Matthias character is the same that a painting of the pope Clement V. There is a reason for that? Its a wink or something like ...
Tapiti's user avatar
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Use of outdoorsman skill at local map

How can I use the outdoorsman skill at local map? I see it is possible to add it to the hotkeys but every time I use it, I get the Invalid Target popup. There is no useful documentation explaining ...
vianna77's user avatar
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