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Questions tagged [xbox-system-link]

A form of Xbox multiplayer that allows Xboxs to be hooked up directly or via hub.

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Incompatible UI Version - Black ops 2 Xbox 360

Recently I got my hands on another copy of Black Ops 2, and decided to system link my two retail Xbox 360s together for old time's sake. I got the game to run on the second console, and connected to ...
GipsyD's user avatar
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Can you have a single halo game with Xbox live, and system link

First of all, my question was a little bit complicated so I had trouble with the title. Feel free to edit. I was reading some other posts and noticed most people said halo was one of very few games ...
BlippThePanda's user avatar
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Can a RGH/JTAG Xbox 360 Console link to LAN Games on my Local Network?

I am planning to RGH/JTAG my Phat Xbox 360 to play my backup games I made long ago. What I want to know is, if an "official" Xbox 360 (i.e Non-RGH/JTAG) was to host a LAN Server for a game, say ...
GipsyD's user avatar
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Is there any way to use two consoles for simultaneous play on the same TV by using Dualplay?

Are there any devices that can merge two HDMI device signals into one 3D-like signal so that I can display them using Dualplay? Normally, Dualplay requires a game (and console) that supports this ...
Laszlo's user avatar
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Xbox 360 region protection - system link between PAL and NTSC

I live in a country where we have a mix of regions here since all consoles are independently imported. So I have an NTSC Xbox which I bought in the US some years ago. Me and my friends are going to ...
ido's user avatar
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Can I use 4 Xbox 360 consoles in System Link mode on the same wireless network?

I was looking to have a Halo: Reach party with 16 people (4 Xbox 360s) at my house, but in talking to a friend, I became worried when he said he was not able to connect through the (Existing) wireless ...
SSumner's user avatar
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Is there a limit to the number of XBox 360's you can connect using system link?

I'm inviting some people round for a Halo night and I'm going to ask them to bring their own TVs/XBox 360s is there a limit to the number of XBox 360s you can connect using system link? I have a ...
Omar Kooheji's user avatar
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System Link fails

I recently bought a brand new Xbox 360 slim and have transferred all of my data to it. It also has an xbox live account that gets played quite frenquently. My old Xbox is still operable and in fact ...
Cpt. Jack's user avatar
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11 votes
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Is it possible to play Halo 1 over System Link/LAN between an Xbox and an Xbox 360?

Is it possible to play Halo: Combat Evolved with System Link/LAN between an Xbox and an Xbox 360?
michelemarcon's user avatar
8 votes
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Is it possible to combine system link and split screen play on Halo 3's campaign?

I know that online you can play 4 player campaign, but on split screen mode you are limited to two players. Is it pssible to play both System Link and split screen with two consoles, and two players ...
Macha's user avatar
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