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19 votes

Why can I no longer break into doors in Deus Ex?

The Door Strength bar on the doors in Deus Ex doesn't show Hit Points, but a threshold: it shows the minimal damage you need to apply in one go in order to break it down. This forces you to make ...
Joachim's user avatar
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5 votes

Does Anna Navarre and Gunther Hermann's killswitch codes have any meaning?

Laputan Machine (source): The phrase itself refers to the flying city of Laputa from Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. In the novel, the Laputans are masters of theoretical engineering but ...
childe's user avatar
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5 votes

Can Gunther be defeated at the first confrontation?

No, the encounter with Gunther in battery park is one of the few instances, where you cannot kill a NPC. Gunther is invincible in this situation and the story will only progress once he got you.
Dulkan's user avatar
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3 votes

What's the difference between difficulty settings?

From the game's manual, third page (manual.pdf, included in the GOG version): Combat Difficulty Level When you start a new game of Deus Ex, the first thing you have to do is select the Combat ...
user598527's user avatar
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2 votes

Can player receive Gray Death treatment?

This is not related to Gray Death. This is for access to use special part of Clinic with MedBots. See for more details (inlcuding 2k price with 40% discount) ...
Sanctus's user avatar
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Can the mini-crossbow oneshot with tranquilizer darts?

As @GeoffAtkins said, a headshot will incapacitate the enemy immediately (or at least very quickly) and unless there is somebody around to witness the person falling down no alert will be raised. To ...
Dulkan's user avatar
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1 vote

Deus Ex:GOTY crashes on the "BatteryPark" level

There is a fix here: Start the game using the -hax0r parameter in the launch options. This enables cheat mode. In-game, using the console, press t, remove the say that's entered by default on a new ...
Joachim's user avatar
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1 vote

Can player receive Gray Death treatment?

JC doesn't need Grey Death treatment. There's actually indications that Grey Death isn't just a disease but also a way for certain people to tolerate nanotech augmentations. For example, when you find ...
steve's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the difference between difficulty settings?

Easy, Medium and Hard have two components - damage dealt to you and damage dealt to opponents. Easy makes you harder to kill, while Hard makes the enemy harder to kill and you easier. Realistic is ...
Martin's user avatar
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1 vote

Where are Deus Ex saves stored?

In the steamapps\common\Deus Ex\Save was only an empty textfile on my system, the actual saves were in %userprofile%\Documents\Deus Ex.
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